CMI Congregation
Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI), the first indigenous Religious Congregation for men in India, was started in 1851 by Saint Cyriac Elias Chavara and Rev Fathers Thomas Palackal and Thomas Poorukara. It has its head quaters at Ernakulam.
Rev. Fr. Thomas Chathamparambil CMI, is the present Prior General. The congregation is divided into 13 provinces and one region. The members of the CMI congregation work all over India and in the different countries in Europe, South and North America, Africa and Australia.

Rev. Fr. Jose Nandhikkara CMI
Provincial of the Devamatha Province

Fr. Joseph Alappat CMI
Manager of the college
The Province runs many educational institutions including a medical college and many professional colleges, higher secondary schools and technical institutions. St Joseph’s Training College is the first college of teacher education of the province to train the future teachers.